Episode 60: Being a Slave to Righteousness

Discipleship on Purpose di Ryan Hall

Note sull'episodio

You have heard people talk about being under grace rather than law. To be under grace does not mean that we can throw righteousness out the window. Your manner of life will demonstrate that you're either a slave to sin or to righteousness.

In this episode, I will drop some Growth Seeds that will help disciples understand the importance of pursuing righteousness today! Peter tells us, "He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct (1 Peter 1:15)."

What are some Growth Seeds we can plant in our hearts so that we can excel more and more in righteousness? Check out this episode for your free Growth Seeds!

Scriptures quoted:

1 Peter 1:15

Hebrews 12:14

1 John 3:3

Parole chiave
DiscipleshipBibleGrowget someholinessbuildrighteousnessstrive