Note sull'episodio

Turn off the lights and enjoy the vibrant colours, as Soren Hamby joins us to talk about their love of glow art. They share their fascination with natural bioluminescence, and how a birthday party sparked a deeper passion for this medium, leading to participatory art projects and installations. Soren also reflects on the glow art community, and the notion that the value of art isn’t determined by mainstream acceptance but by the impact it has on those who experience it.

Guest Bio

As a Senior Manager of UX, Soren Hamby (they/them) is dedicated to fostering diversity and inclusion within teams while spearheading the transformation towards accessible design. With a BFA in Design, post-graduate and professional coursework at Cornell, Parson’s, and CUNY, and a wealth of experience in the field, Soren is a seasoned p ... 

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Parole chiave
DesignWellbeingWork-life balanceHobbiesProduct designUX designDesign systemsArtAccessibilityGlow art