Easy Living with Seline Shenoy: Beat Decision Fatigue and Be Your Authentic Self

Shift with CJ di Chiranjeev Malhotra

Note sull'episodio

In this enlightening episode of Shift with CJ, host CJ engages in a deep conversation with Seline Shenoy, exploring themes of personal growth, inner journey, and the essence of human connection. They delve into Seline's growth journey, the inspiration behind her blog, her transition to podcasting, and her latest book, "The Nomadic Soul."

Key Takeaways:

  1. Importance of Self-Discovery:
    • Knowing oneself is a journey that requires introspection and clarity.
    • Confidence should be paired with clarity to avoid disaster.
    • Self-awareness leads to wisdom and better decision-making.
  2. Nomadic Soul Concept:
    • Inspired by the nomadic culture of the Middle East and the idea of sacred quests.
    • Emphasizes the importance of physical and internal movem ... 
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Parole chiave
shift with cjemotional wellnesshappinessemotionslife