Unseen Energies: The Scalar Revolution with Tom Paladino

Shift with CJ di Chiranjeev Malhotra

Note sull'episodio

In this riveting episode of "Unseen Energies," host CJ Malhotra welcomes Tom Paladino, a visionary pioneer in the field of Scalar Energy. Tom's journey is nothing short of inspirational, rooted in his profound admiration for Nikola Tesla, the father of Scalar Energy research. His quest for knowledge led him to explore the works of Hieronymus, another key figure in this field, whose innovations in unbinding RNA/DNA bonds of harmful microbes significantly impacted the agricultural sector. Tom's dedication to understanding and harnessing Scalar Energy is not just a professional pursuit but a humanitarian effort, aimed at enhancing people's lives by improving their health and wellbeing.

Throughout the episode, CJ and Tom delve deep into the world of Scalar Energy, a form of energy that exists outside the conventional electromagnetic spectrum. T ... 

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biohackingenergyscalar energy