Mentally Strong Chess Players Don’t Do This | Amy Morin on ChessMood Podcast

ChessMood Podcast di GM Avetik Grigoryan

Note sull'episodio

Amy Morin, a renowned psychotherapist and the international bestselling author of “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do”, joins GM Avetik as a guest on this episode of the ChessMood podcast. 

They talk about the list of things mentally strong chess players don’t do, how to get over painful defeats and how chess players can master mental strength.

Check out Amy’s work here:

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Watch her inspiring TedX talk with over 23 million views: ... 

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chesschess psychologychess mindsetchessmoodchess playersavetik grigoryanchessmood podcastchess podcastmental healthAmy Morinchess player mindset