
di BlessVision Foundation

BlessVision Foundation 4th Anniversary Project "LEMONAID" brand new English radio program "LemonAid" comes from the word "Lemonade", a drink prevalent across the world. By different making methods, the tastes of Lemonades vary despite they are all made with the same ingredients. I am sure that you will be exclaimed by how our guests can stimulate your taste buds in so many ways! 幸福傳聲基金會四週年呈獻: 全新英語電台節目《LemonAid》 LemonAid ,取 ...   ...  Leggi dettagli

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Episode 26: Interviewing Nasara

    Episode 26: Interviewing Nasara

    Episode 26 Interviewing Nasara When marriage is arranged by parents , and you don’t know who the man, or woman is, what do you feel? How you are going to manage this relationship ? In the last episode of this season , we have a lady from Pakistan, she shared about how she “handled” her marriage, and how the culture in hometown influencing her life. 第26集 訪問 Nasara 對盲婚啞嫁有何看法?跟一個素未謀面的人一起生活又有何感受?你又會如何營運這段關係? 來到Lemonaid 本季的最後一集,我們邀請到一位來自巴基斯坦的女士分享「管理」婚姻心得及家鄉文化如何影響她的生活。

  • Episode 25: Interviewing Helen Leung (Hong Kong Dignity Institute)

    Episode 25: Interviewing Helen Leung (Hong Kong Dignity Institute)

    Episode 25: Interviewing Helen Leung (Hong Kong Dignity Institute) She grow up in different cultures, until finally settled down in Hong Kong, she got lost on who she is, where she from; In the midst of her lost, she found connection in the refugees group, to chase for her inner call, she wrote a letter to Oxford to apply for a course related to Refugees, without any examination nor interviews, she got accepted! What is the point that hit her heart in the refuges group? What she wrote in the letter? 第25集 訪問 Helen Leung (Hong Kong Dignity Institute) 她在跨文化的環境成長,當最終定居香港後,她開始對自己的身份感到迷網;在迷失裡、她在難民的群體找到一份特別的歸屬感!為了能更深入了解這獨特的群體,她毅然寫了一封信到牛津大學報讀一個與難民相關的課程。在沒有任何考試或面試下,她被取錄了! 難民群體有什麼觸動她?她的申請信寫了什麼可以打動蜚聲國際的「牛津大學」? 記得收聽LemonAID!

  • Episode 24: Interviewing Sudarshan (Part 2)

    Episode 24: Interviewing Sudarshan (Part 2)

    Episode 24: Interviewing Sudarshan (Part 2) He escaped from Siri Lanka to India and Australia. He lived in over 10 refugee camps. He came close to gaining Australian citizenship status, but he finally gave up. Why then did he come to Hong Kong ? What has he experienced all these years? Let’s listen to his story ! 第24集 訪問 Sudarshan (下) 他,在來港前,由斯里蘭卡逃難到印度、澳洲,住過超過十個難民營;與懷孕5個月的太太非法偷渡來港,但卻被販子出賣,結果一家四口滯留香港,成為難民,這些年他怎樣渡過?本來可以在澳洲取到居留權,但又為個折返斯里蘭卡?今集LemonAid , 一起聆聽他的故事。

  • Episode 23: Interviewing Sudarshan (Part 1)

    Episode 23: Interviewing Sudarshan (Part 1)

    Episode 23: Interviewing Sudarshan (Part 1) He escaped from Siri Lanka to India and Australia. He lived in over 10 refugee camps. He came close to gaining Australian citizenship status, but he finally gave up. Why then did he come to Hong Kong ? What has he experienced all these years? Let’s listen to his story ! 第23集 訪問 Sudarshan (上) 他,在來港前,由斯里蘭卡逃難到印度、澳洲,住過超過十個難民營;與懷孕5個月的太太非法偷渡來港,但卻被販子出賣,結果一家四口滯留香港,成為難民,這些年他怎樣渡過?本來可以在澳洲取到居留權,但又為個折返斯里蘭卡?今集LemonAid , 一起聆聽他的故事。

  • Episode 22: Interviewing Vicki Cheung

    Episode 22: Interviewing Vicki Cheung

    Episode 22 Interviewing Vicki Cheung Vicki is a clinical counsellor now who used to work as an overseas international teacher over 10 years. Why Viki had made this change? How did she overcome her emotional struggles in the past and contribute herself to help the others? She will also share with us her unforgettable experience as a new mum during COVID time. How did she get through the challenges to pregnant during COVID? What advice would she give to the mum-to-be? 第22集 訪問 Vicki Cheung 現在是一位臨床輔導員。她曾經是一位擁有超過十年工作經驗的海外國際教師。究竟是因著甚麼原因促使Viki有著這個改變?她又是如何克服過去種種情緒爭紮並獻身於幫助他人的工作上?她更會與我們分享在疫情下初為人母的難忘經歷。她又是如何應付在疫情下懷孕的挑戰?他又有甚麼意見給各位準媽媽呢?