Band Chat Esplicito

di From Under Crowned Kings

Go inside the minds of the boys in the band From Under Crowned kings. Every podcast is an inside look at what they talk about behind the scenes. Listeners are encouraged to join the conversation via Tik-Tok @fromundercrownedkings and Twitter @crownedkingband

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Band Chat (107) "Colorado Killers"


    Band Chat (107) "Colorado Killers"


    In this episode the boys explore a few of the high profile cases out of Colorado that took the nation by surprise, Join us as we discuss Chris Watts, Jonbenet Ramsey, James Holmes, and the 1999 Columbine shooters

  • Band Chat (106) "What got you into music?"


    Band Chat (106) "What got you into music?"


    The boys discuss their musical backgrounds and talk about the things that made the the F*CK Boys

  • Band Chat (105) "Whats A Producer?"


    Band Chat (105) "Whats A Producer?"


    In this episode, the boys of From Under Crowned Kings host band chat with special guest Jarrod Headley (producer for Agents of Chaos) and discuss his role as a Music producer.

  • Band Chat (104) "It's the End of the World Pt.2"


    Band Chat (104) "It's the End of the World Pt.2"


    In this episode we continue our discussion (and hopes!) of how the world is going to end! (FINALLY)

  • Band Chat (103) "It's the End of the World"


    Band Chat (103) "It's the End of the World"


    Join us in the discussion about doomsday. How do you think the world will end? economic collapse, EMP, Volcano, Join us and figure out the many ways it could end.