Connecting the Dots with SYLVIA KOKUNDA

Azimuth World Foundation - Connecting the Dots di Azimuth World Foundation

Note sull'episodio

Batwa communities in Uganda, Rwanda, and the DRC are clear examples of the devastating effects of fortress conservation, the colonial model for nature preservation that posits the mutual exclusion of nature and humans. Often, the designation of protected areas leads to the displacement of the very people responsible for stewarding that ecosystem—those who thrived in and relied on that land for their spiritual and physical sustenance.

In the Bwindi forest in 1991, wildlife conservation efforts pushed Batwa communities to the margins of Ugandan society. Unable to navigate this society, their marginalization deepened. And this very brief, abrupt, and violent chapter had devastating consequences for a people who had been thriving for millennia as forest dwellers.

We are honored to have Sylvia Kokunda as our latest guest on Connecting the  ... 

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Parole chiave
indigenousugandaconservationbatwahuman rightsdecolonize conservation