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  • Astrolee: 2024 Astrology. An Electric Year of the Enterprising Dragon. #ep96

    Astrolee: 2024 Astrology. An Electric Year of the Enterprising Dragon. #ep96

    To support this work: Paypal Donations - https://paypal.me/leedorsett #astrology #astrology2024 #astrological #horoscope #yearofthedragon A summary of key astrological points and periods in 2024 for the first 16 minutes, followed by a more in-depth look at the year ahead: Pluto re-enters Aquarius, destroying dogma and showing how to transform our future, while empowering groups and intellectual research. Explosive Valentine's Day aspects: Venus and Mars conjunct Pluto, while the Chiron reaches the North Node. Key aspects of 2024: Revolutions in agriculture and finance, as Jupiter and Mars meet electric Uranus in Taurus, before Jupiter gets chatty in the sign of the Twins, Gemini, and helps Pluto to get those revolutionary messages going viral. All the eclipse info for March/April, when life-script changing messages and information offer a new way forward; and in September/October, when surreal and mystical experiences herald the first of a sequence of Piscean/Virgo eclipses before we see a whole new side of people at the Ring of Fire Libran eclipse. The end of a long phase of various hunter-stalker energies being resolved in a high-frequency way with the Nessus-Thereus opposition, and the start of new work on our long-term mystical visions with Mars meeting Saturn and Neptune in Pisces during April. The Gemini Venus Star Point in June helps us to speak from the heart. Also, in June Grand Water Trine helps our intuition get psychic, and aids us in aligning with a sense of sacred purpose, getting our strategic senses working as well. At the end of the year, we rethink our actions due to powerful transformative influences all around, as Mars goes retrograde in Leo and then Cancer for months, while opposing the Great Eliminator, Pluto. Just before Mars' retrogrades, he joins a powerful and passionate trinity of placements in fire at the end of November, helping us to pour our energy into exciting new adventures before the Warrior hibernates and reflects on Pluto's messages. Also included are key asteroid passages, Mercury's retrogrades, and all the New and Full Moons of 2024. #ep96 Guild of Gaia Telegram Channel, with a link to the Gaia Contract: https://t.me/GuildofGaia

  • AstroLee: Saturn in Pisces 2023 - 2026: Reforming Our Dreams. #ep95

    AstroLee: Saturn in Pisces 2023 - 2026: Reforming Our Dreams. #ep95

    Saturn in Pisces 2023-2026. This is generally a period where collective daydreams are formed, in the areas of art, plays, novels, films (including animation) and virtual worlds. The beginnings of a long period of artistic development, such as was seen in The Hobbit (1937 publication) and The Lord of the Rings (a long gestation for the films), Dune, various iterations of Star Trek, and cutting-edge forms of animation. The mystical teacher. Dedicated meditative practices. Developing and expanding our awareness and skills on a regular basis, like a mystical Olympian, in areas such as out-of-body-experiences, lucid dreaming, astral travel, mediumship and telekinesis. Persistent and businesslike Saturn grounds mystical ideals. The Split becomes physically apparent. Things, even whole ways of life, can vanish. Boundaries secured by empaths. Oceanic explorations. Retreat from an imploding light-dark paradigm. Linear time and its usefulness and limitations explored. Medical and scientific delusions unmasked. Saturn solidifies the new awarenesses reached while Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011. #ep95

  • AstroLee: October 2023 Eclipses. The Letting Go of an Old World Goes on Steroids. #astrology

    AstroLee: October 2023 Eclipses. The Letting Go of an Old World Goes on Steroids. #astrology

    We are in Eclipse Season.Things tend to eclipse in and out of our lives in these eclipse periods, and this one lasts from the Full Moon on 29 September until the New Moon on 13 November. Saturday 14 October.Annular Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse 21 Libra, conjunct the South Node, Pallas Athena and Mercury, square Pluto, opposite Eris and Chiron.The letting go of dissonant relationships and art forms gets intensified. Peace talks and diplomacy with those on our frequency. Forging new alliances. Harmonising and balancing the give-and-take in relationships. Releasing old mental constructs: books, TV shows, etc. Processing old relationship programs. Litigation and other legal matters reach a turning point. Fearlessly telling our side of the story, though it may trigger others, with clarity and transparency. Sensitivities to communications can arise, through a delicate network on allies, so tread carefully.This eclipse has an air of chaos around it. It is most visible in the Americas. from North America down to Brazil.Releasing relationships and clearly seeing why you are doing this, or processing programs to live in more harmony with our connections.Similar eclipses were on 13 October 2004, 3 October 1986 and 18 October 1967. Saturday 28 October.Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 5 Taurus, conjunct Jupiter, opposite Mercury and Mars, trine Lilith and Juno, sextile Vesta.The last of a series of Taurus-Scorpio eclipses which have been on-going since 2021: how has your relationship with finances, self-worth and sharing resources shifted in this time period?Finally dropping unhealthy eating and spending habits. Putting more chi into beneficial and inspirational areas. Things come to a head in the areas food intake, money, sex and resources - any lacks here, in our environment or at an emotional level, are keenly felt. Connections to our physical bodies are seen to have improved.Mercury and Mars in Scorpio and opposing the full moon indicate news of transformative and powerful actions reach us, which Jupiter might blow out of all proportion so checking the facts would be wise.Finally clearing residual poverty programs, such as around sharing, possessiveness, comfort and self-worth.Saturn sextiles the eclipse from 0 Pisces, where the Lord of Structure is slowing to turn direct in November, and offers practical advice on how to respond to what arises at this eclipse.Grounding ourselves, incarnating fully into our bodies, enhancing and expanding our income, managing our resources (assets, possessions, talents, etc.) more effectively, stopping over-doing or being dependent.This full moon eclipse relates to things begun at the Solar Eclipse on 30 April 2022.Previous similar lunar eclipses were on: 27 October 2004, 28 October 1986 and 29 October 1966. #ep94

  • 2023 September Equinox & Fiery Full SuperMoon. #ep93 #astrology

    2023 September Equinox & Fiery Full SuperMoon. #ep93 #astrology

    Happy Equinox and Mabon: balanced between the seasons, setting intentions using the energies of Gaia, and seeking harmony as the Sun enters Libra until 23 October. Walking in the wilderness and forests, collecting plants and objects such as rocks, acorns, pine cones and autumn leaves to use in magick and to decorate the home. Apple pie, pumpkin cake, cornbread. Saturday 23 September. Venus (18 Leo) trine Chiron (18 Aries) 3 (1: 29/6, 2: 14/8): further healing of the heart, reconnecting to our feelings, self-worth, creativity and playfulness. The Goddess of Love continues to contemplate these areas. Mars (18 Libra) opposite Chiron (18 Aries): being very clear about what we want in relationships and partnerships, which could be life-changing, while feeling vulnerable. Releasing old anger and triggers. Revitalised. Physical rehabilitation. Monday 25 September. Mercury (14 Virgo) trine Jupiter (14 Taurus) 3 (1: 10/8, 2: 5/9): the messenger has been reviewing work-based communications, schedules, healthcare routines and our day-to-day lives, and is much clearer on the practical steps we can begin taking to make our dreams happen. Old colleagues and friends, and collective and individual pasts are reframed and seen anew. How to expand our self and net worth seen. Friday 29 September. Super Full Harvest Moon 6 Aries (opposite Pallas Athena (7 Libra), square Vesta (3 Cancer): activities, fitness plans, entrepreneurial ventures and leadership campaigns initiated on April Fool's Day on 1 April 2022 mature. Diplomatic interventions and wise guidance. Balance between our and the other's desires. Urgently expressing our emotions in partnerships. New awareness of our physical bodies. Venus (22 Leo) (also conjunct Juno) square Uranus (22 Uranus) 3 (1: 2 July, 2: 9 August): Spontaneity, novelty and stimulation sought in established relationships. Experimentation. Impulse purchases possibly. Surprising financial news. Saturday 30 September. Mercury exits his retrograde shadow at 21 Virgo (been there since 5 August): our long audit & reorganisation of our routines, healthcare, communications systems and plans is complete. Mercury (22 Virgo) trine Uranus (22 Taurus): with a clear head we look to the future. See things differently. Flashes of inspiration. Technological ideas. Psychic insights. New online work and communication forms explored. #ep93

  • AstroLee: September 2023: Shifting the direction of the juggernaut. #astrology #ep92

    AstroLee: September 2023: Shifting the direction of the juggernaut. #astrology #ep92

    Venus is now Direct at 12 Leo: it is safe to restyle yourselves, and as a Morning Star the Goddess of Love becomes a real go-getter. Living from the heart, although you might have another change of heart now Venus is storming ahead again. Values, joy and playfulness focused on. Singing, acting, the spotlight. Jupiter has turned retrograde at 15 Taurus, while trining retrograde Mercury in Virgo, who has been checking the accounts, old messages and documents, and assisting old contacts to get in touch and provide us with information we had overlooked. Jupiter reviews our sensible and practical expansions since 11 June, and perhaps where we have been a bit over-indulgent and less active than we could have been. Information rediscovered which could help increase our financial value, or self-worth, or both. Jupiter is 8 degrees from retrograde Uranus, where the Awakener has been helping to increase our conscious connection to Gaia since 2018. These two planets will meet next April to offer the possibility of a really conscious and expansive revolution, but for now the Sky God Jupiter goes backwards until the end of the year. Mercury trined Jupiter on 9 August, now as well as for a third time on 25 September, shortly before leaving his retrograde shadow, so keep checking documents and talking to ghosts. Vesta in late Gemini trines Ceres who is conjunct the South Node in late Libra; while Ceres squares Pluto: dropping LF connections and art forms, stepping away from codependencies, making space for the new. Weds 6 Sept: Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury (13 Virgo): we knew it deep down, but now we have the evidence. What is found indicates deeper digging is needed, which will result in a shift in our approach more generally. Ingrained habits and routines questioned. Friday 8 Sept: Sun (15 Virgo) trine Jupiter (15 Taurus): the Sun takes the data from Mercury to Jupiter, as the Sky God sees how these small details could really help his plans take off. Values and work get more in sync. Ways to improve our income lines and net worth become clearer. #ep92 AstroLee SecondLife store address: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife... You’re all welcome to visit whenever. ✨🐍🌛 Book #astrologicalreadings based on your natal chart and current transits here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/92343... Telegram channel link here: https://t.me/AstroLeeD Website: https://leedorsett.com. Donations are gratefully received here. :) My novel, The Faces of Ixchel, is available from a range of online retailers including here on Amazon: https://amzn.eu/d/dqHvsVK