Episode 98 - Audio from the Jerone Davison Rally March 20, 2024

Arizona Liberty Podcast di Neil Gunter

Note sull'episodio

The Arizona Liberty Podcast is cautious about endorsing politicians; in fact, we generally hold a disdain for them. However, Jerone is a genuine man of the people and has been connected with this podcast since its inception. From the site JeroneForCongress.com:

"Jerone is a former Arizona State University student athlete and NFL player who travels the country sharing inspiration, passion, and faith. His unifying speeches full of truth, faith, and freedom of this country are memorable and moving.

He spent his childhood growing up in the deep south in the small town of Picayune, MS. It was there that he and his family fell upon rough times, and Jerone dropped out of high school. Sometime later, Jerone was ab ... 

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