An Open Letter To Ourselves

di HappyCoin

A weekly series where we open up about the inner issues that matter most. This is a place where no topic is out of bounds and all avenues of thought are free to be spoken. Guests include musicians, mental health professionals, activists and coaches. People from all walks of life with a story to tell and experiences to share.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Letter 1 | Speak Up For Mental Health (ft Up4TheChallenge)

    Letter 1 | Speak Up For Mental Health (ft Up4TheChallenge)

    Today we're joined by Adam Parsons from Up4MentalHealth - A brand new organisation with the goal of tackling mental health through modern approaches and methods, as well as tackling social policy head on. Grab a coffee and enjoy!

  • An Open Letter To Ourselves

    An Open Letter To Ourselves

    It's finally here! In this introductory episode we outline the purpose of the podcast, we hope you'll stick around for what we have in store 💛 Brought to you by HappyCoin