Episode 31: So Many Front Doors - The Big Fat MILF Relaunch

The Amateur MILF Society di Sinead O'Sullivan and Rosie Johnson

Note sull'episodio

We're back, baby! (again)

We have missed you guys, and missed making this podcast so much while we've been away but we are back with a brand new beautiful logo, and loads more nonsense to chat.

It's a bit of a chatty one this week lads, we're just catching you up on what we've been up to, discussing the sartorial downfall of the Adidas Samba, and we bring back hot chicks talk politics!

Oh YEAH, and we're doing another live show! Join us for the MILF meet up at Tonne Bar in Leicester, tickets are 100% free, and you can grab one here: https://www.fatsoma.com/e/vnz4t8rr/mums-i-d-like-to-friend-meet-up

We also chat about working with the incomparable Connie and Katie ... 

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