Episode 29: The One With The Haiku - Behaviour & Discipline

The Amateur MILF Society di Sinead O'Sullivan and Rosie Johnson

Note sull'episodio

Welcome back to The Amateur MILF Society (theatrical edition)! This week, we're chatting all things behaviour and discipline. We cover the difference between the parenting we'd like to do and the parenting we actually practise, parenting styles and the difficulties of gentle parenting when your offspring isn't interested in gentle child-ing. We also (briefly) cover potty training, so trigger warning for a smidge of piss and shit chat.

Also, Rosie writes a Haiku that could potentially be a contender for the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Please get in touch with us on socials and/or shoot us an email!

Insta/TikTok: @amateurmilfsociety

Email: mumsidliketofriend@gmail.com

Parole chiave
parentingmotherhoodamateur milf societyfunnymothermumsparentskidschildrencomplainingparenthoodmental healthmum guiltmum rageparentmumbehaviourdisciplineparenting styles