The Closing Shift - Old Time Radio Horror Creepypasta Scary Story

Creepypasta Horror & Scary Stories di alittleAudio

Note sull'episodio

As the clock ticks closer to closing time, the lone barista notices a strange figure standing outside the coffee shop. She can't quite make out the person's face or features, but she has a sense of unease and discomfort.

As the night wears on, the figure remains outside, still and silent. The barista becomes increasingly nervous, wondering who this person is and what their intentions might be. She tries to ignore the figure and focus on closing up the coffee shop, but her nerves are frayed.

As the hours pass, the figure continues to stand outside, seemingly unmoving. The barista finishes closing up the coffee shop, and as she turns to leave, the figure disappears without a trace.

Confused and frightened, the barista hurries out of the coffee shop and back to her home. But she can't shake the feeling that she's being watched. As  ... 

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