The Art of Creative Entrepreneurship with Ruth Leroux

Adventures In Dialogue di Melissa Belongea

Note sull'episodio

Ruth Leroux takes us through her experience forging her path as an emerging career artist, as well as finding support through creative community.

I love conversations that help break down assumptions. As in, explore two things that seem at opposite with one another (in this case, being an artist and making money) to discover they are not mutually exclusive.

Talking so directly about the business side of art challenged me on a personal level. Yet, I like interactions that takes me out of my personal tendencies to reach for the deeper meaning and lighten it up!

This conversation is one of those. It is possible to enjoy both the purity of making art for arts sake, while also appreciating the intention required to build a livelihood around creative passions. A reminder that perspective is being able to hold two or more truths at onc ... 

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creative productionemerging artistart