Ep #056- Accepting Disability through Adaptive Sports with David Figueroa

AdaptX Podcast di AdaptX

Note sull'episodio

Summary: David Figueroa, a motivational speaker and advocate with cerebral palsy, shares his experiences and insights on building inclusive businesses and excelling in adaptive sports. He emphasizes the importance of adaptive sports in accepting and appreciating one's diagnosis and developing relationships with peers. David also discusses his journey through education, the challenges he faced in school, and the need for inclusive environments in gyms and fitness facilities. He highlights the importance of listening to individuals with disabilities and involving them in the decision-making process to create truly inclusive spaces. David's story and message inspire others to believe in themselves and work towards their goals.

To learn more about David, check out his podcast or his social media:


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fitnessadaptive fitnessinclusive fitnessinclusiondisabilityaccessibilityinclusive spacesdisability communitycerebral palsytrainingdisease