Trinity Streetsville

di Trinity Church Streetsville

This is a Christian podcast based on content delivered from Trinity Church Streetsville. Listen weekly for both engaging and biblically sound sermons directly from our Sunday Services, as well as in-depth discussions and conversations about relevant topics from our members and friends.

It is our hope that these talks challenge, inspire, and encourage you in your Christian faith. Thanks for joining us.

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Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 10

  • Self-Control | Organic - Growing the Fruit of the Spirit

    Self-Control | Organic - Growing the Fruit of the Spirit

    We all struggle with self-control, whether it's with food, technology, shopping, drinking, anger, or something else. We've all felt "out of control" or "controlled" by something. Given constant temptations and limited willpower, how can we achieve self-control? This Sunday, we'll conclude our 7-week series on the "Fruit of the Spirit" by exploring Self-Control. The secret is paradoxical: to gain control, you must surrender control. Join us to learn what that means!

  • Gentleness | Organic - Growing the Fruit of the Spirit | Prayer and Worship Night

    Gentleness | Organic - Growing the Fruit of the Spirit | Prayer and Worship Night

    .As we continue working through the Fruits of the Spirit, Rob preaches on one of the fruits that he says, in fact, does not come naturally to humans. Gentleness, the ability to respond to adversity with softness and not aggression, is a fruit of the spirit that must be taught and grown with the human heart. In this sermon, Rob explores the gentleness of God in the Old Testament, the gentleness of Jesus, the gentleness demonstrated by Paul in the New Testament, and the gentleness by which WE can grow in our own lives. #sermon #fruitofthespirit #gentle #peace #christianity #christian

  • Ministry Spotlight: Prime Time | Trinity Talks Podcast

    Ministry Spotlight: Prime Time | Trinity Talks Podcast

    Get to know a bit about the Prime Time Ministry for seniors at Trinity!

  • Faithfulness | Organic - Growing the Fruit of the Spirit | June 23 2024

    Faithfulness | Organic - Growing the Fruit of the Spirit | June 23 2024

    At some point, we've all experienced the sting of deceit or disappointment. The Bible acknowledges this when it says, "No one is faithful anymore," and "those who are loyal have vanished from the land" (Psalm 12:1). Yet, there is hope: faithfulness can flourish within us through the Holy Spirit as we commit to speaking truthfully, honouring our promises, and living with integrity.

  • Trinity and World Vision's Impact in Honduras | Trinity Talks Podcast

    Trinity and World Vision's Impact in Honduras | Trinity Talks Podcast

    Karen Ramos, Program Director of World Vision Honduras, and Michael Messenger, Director of World Vision Canada for this important conversation. Listen in as the talk about Honduras, and the impact the World Vision child sponsorship Chosen Program has had on the children and community of this country.