
S5E28: Wait! What's Pandemic Porn!?

Wait! Don't Do It! por NuNu Paris & Raffi

Notas del episodio

Welcome our special guest @thedjgaston, an internationally-known stand-up comedian, DJ, and messy bitch.

Get your tickets for our #FloralKombat event on April 9 at Upper West Side Cafe: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/floral-kombat-hip-hop-vs-pop-spring-dance-party-2022-tickets-296905621707?aff=efbeventtix




Follow #WaitDontDoIt on IG @waitdontdoitpodcast. Listen to the FULL episodes of this and previous seasons of Wait! Don't Do It! on Apple Podcasts & Spotify: http://linktr.ee/waitdontdoit.