New Moon in Pisces Meditation

Topanga Moon por Ana Alic

Notas del episodio

Welcome to the new moon in pisces meditation. Pisces' new moon is all about dreamy, imaginative, mysterious beauty. This is the dream moon as pisces rules our inner dreamland. For this super moon and the last new moon before we enter into the spring equinox we are going big on our desires, using our imagination to cultivate the dreams we have and really feel into them. Where attention goes, energy flows, when we decide on our dreams we can take action through our specific attention. Let's connect to our wildest dreams in this meditation by traveling to a gorgeous estate in the south of France - Marie Antoinette style - opulence, dreamy garden days in a french chateau.


Palabras clave
dream worldnew moon meditationsmanifestation meditationnew moon in piscespisces meditationnew moon in pisces meditationguided new moon meditationmanifesting meditationdreamscape meditationdreamscape meditationsmanifesting new moon meditationdreamscape meditation topanga moonmanifesting in 2024new supermoon meditation2024 new moon march meditationworm moon meditation