Diana Rodgers and Robb Wolf - "Sacred Cow" Discussion - July 13, 2020

Soil4Climate Voices - Outspoken Advocates of Soil Restoration as a Climate Solution por seth itzkan

Notas del episodio

Nutritionist Diana Rodgers, RD, and New York Times Best Selling author, Robb Wolf, discuss their upcoming book and movie, “Sacred Cow: The Case for (Better) Meat." Interviewer: Karl Thidemann, Soil4Climate Inc. - Rodgers and Wolf hope to create a new dialogue examining our cultural bias against cattle, pointing out the importance of red meat to our food system and how well managed grazing animals are one of our best solutions to repair the damages of our industrial agricultural system. Ms. Rodgers runs a clinical nutrition practice and hosts the Sustainable Dish podcast. Mr. Wolf is co-owner of NorCal Strength & Conditioning and author of “The Paleo Solution – The Original Human Diet” and “Wired to Eat.”

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