Shelina's Hub

por Shelina

Shelina's Hub, accessible at, is a tranquil sanctuary conceived by Shelina, an experienced spiritual coach known for her gift of instilling calm and serenity in those who seek it. Her profound understanding of the divine connection between humans and the greater universe transforms the Hub into an ideal gathering place for those seeking self ... 

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Episodios del podcast

  • Live a Life Worth Remembering

    Live a Life Worth Remembering

    The podcast delves into the idea inspired by Bruce Lee's quote, "The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering." It explores the concept of living a life of purpose and deep meaning that leaves a lasting legacy. The discussion emphasizes the significance of introspection, self-awareness, and acts of kindness in creating a life worth remembering. By embracing our true essence and radiating love and inspiration, we have the opportunity to make a positive impact on others, leaving an indelible mark that echoes through time

  • Earth's Vital Touch

    Earth's Vital Touch

    This podcast delves into the profound and often overlooked practice of grounding or earthing, which involves reconnecting with the Earth to experience physical and spiritual healing. By exploring the harmony between the Universe's energies and our being, the podcast highlights the physiological benefits of grounding, such as reduced inflammation, improved immune responses, and accelerated wound healing. Grounding is depicted as an ancient and transformative ritual that allows us to tap into the Earth's wisdom and align with its healing energies, fostering a deep sense of connection and well-being in our journey through life.

  • Beyond Illusion Discerning Reality

    Beyond Illusion Discerning Reality

    In this captivating podcast, the hosts delve into the complexities of life, exploring the distinction between reality and illusion. They reflect on the pervasive impact of social media, where curated narratives can lead to feelings of inadequacy. Through insightful storytelling and thought-provoking anecdotes, they encourage listeners to embrace a broader perspective, recognizing the transient nature of challenges and the resilience of the human spirit. They also share a powerful true story that sheds light on the profound influence of the mind on our well-being. Overall, the podcast invites us to question our perceptions, embrace our shared human experience, and find empowerment in the face of illusions.

  • Overcoming Ego's Grip

    Overcoming Ego's Grip

    In this thought-provoking podcast, the nature of ego and its influence on our lives is explored. It highlights how the ego seduces us with false identities and material pursuits, diverting our attention from our true essence—the Divine spark that unites us. Through insightful observations from Eckhart Tolle and other spiritual figures, the podcast encourages us to recognize the ego's tricks, turn inward, and embrace the transformative journey of humility, compassion, and connection with the Divine. By taming the ego and nurturing our inner connection, we can navigate life with purpose, authenticity, and a deep sense of unity with all beings.

  • Power of the Mind to Heal the Body

    Power of the Mind to Heal the Body

    This podcast explores the profound influence of the mind on the body and the potential for healing through positive thoughts, affirmations, and prayer. It delves into the interconnectedness of our physical and non-physical selves, highlighting the power of aligning our thoughts and beliefs with our desired physical state. The podcast draws on scientific evidence from the field of psychoneuroimmunology, showcasing the efficacy of mind-body therapies in promoting physical health. It also emphasizes the holistic nature of healing, encompassing emotional and spiritual well-being. The podcast concludes with a powerful healing technique that combines mindfulness, affirmations, and spiritual invocation to tap into our inherent capacity for self-healing.