Mud-Spattered Philosophy

por Elisa Torres

Classic texts, good conversation, and an attempt to salvage academic thought from too much seriousness.

Episodios del podcast

  • Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics: the Problem of Courage

    Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics: the Problem of Courage

    Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics: the Problem of Courage What is virtue and what has it to do with the passions? Is the courageous man without fear? Does he feel pain in the presence of an impending threat? Why is it important to understand the role of "the beautiful" in regard to human action? Join Elisa Torres and Alex Neff in their discussion on the virtue of courage in Aristotle's perennial text, the Nicomachean Ethics.

  • The Fiction Writer and His Country: the Flannery O'Connor insight

    The Fiction Writer and His Country: the Flannery O'Connor insight

    Join Elisa Torres and Alexis von Spakovsky as they discuss the poetic imagination of Flannery O'Connor with frequent reference to "Some Aspects of the Grotesque in Southern Fiction," and "The Fiction Writer and His Country."

  • Aristotle’s Politics: What is a city?

    Aristotle’s Politics: What is a city?

    What is a city? How did it come to be? What is its purpose? Can man reach his full potential apart from the city? Join Elisa Torres, Alex Neff, and Antonio Sosa as we discuss the opening chapters of Aristotle's Politics.

  • The Loss of the University: an Introduction to the Podcast

    The Loss of the University: an Introduction to the Podcast

    Elisa Torres, Alex Neff, and Alexis von Spakovsky discuss Wendell Berry's essay, "The Loss of the University" and, with reference to Plato's Republic, provide a brief introduction to the podcast. Join us for our first installment of Mud-Spattered Philosophy!