eCommerce on Fire

por Adam Kitchen

The best eCommerce strategies from the leading entrepreneurs in the D2C world. We interview the sharpest minds in eCommerce and find out the tactics being played out in the incredibly competitive battlefield of the D2C space right now. Hosted by Adam Kitchen, Founder & CEO at Magnet Monster, one of the world's leading eCommerce Email Marketing agencies.

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 2

  • Using the phone to drive d2c sales - with Jason Weiss

    Using the phone to drive d2c sales - with Jason Weiss

    Hate selling by phone? You’re not alone. But…you could be leaving piles of cash on the table! 💸 Take it from 📞Jason Weiss📱 Weiss: he's been using the phone as a sales weapon for years. If you’re looking to inject a new revenue stream into your business, you need to listen to this one.

  • Using RFM Segmentation in eCommerce | Valentin Radu, CEO @ Omniconvert | Marketers Mastermind EP 7

    Using RFM Segmentation in eCommerce | Valentin Radu, CEO @ Omniconvert | Marketers Mastermind EP 7

    RFM segmentation is a method that allows you to analyze your customers based on three main variables: recency, frequency, and monetary value. Valentin Radu, CEO of Omniconvert, puts forward the case that segmenting your customers based on their historical transactional data enables you to optimize customer loyalty and lifetime value. We'll be discussing the merits of utilising RFM segmentation for your store as well as when (and if) it's not applicable to all D2C brands.

  • Headless Commerce: when is it a mistake? with Jason Greenwood

    Headless Commerce: when is it a mistake? with Jason Greenwood

    Everybody's raving about Headless Commerce and how it's transforming the industry before our very eyes. But, should some brands reign in their enthusiasm in their chance to jump on the Headless train? Jason Greenwood will join us to discuss when Headless is a mistake and when you should realistically consider the move for your business.

  • Here is why ROAS is BS | Romans Ivanvos - Marketing Masterminds EP 5 🧠

    Here is why ROAS is BS | Romans Ivanvos - Marketing Masterminds EP 5 🧠

    For growing brands, a solid ROAS is a surefire way to tell if your FB ads are working…right? Wrong.🛑 Tune into Marketing Masterminds with Romans Ivanons to discover why focusing on ROAS is a complete waste of time. Understanding this one simple thing will change how you look at FB ads forever.

  • Retargeting and Retention Myths | Khaled Bashir - Marketing Masterminds EP 4

    Retargeting and Retention Myths | Khaled Bashir - Marketing Masterminds EP 4

    Are you wasting your ad spend on retargeting? If you’re comparing their performance against these false benchmarks, you probably are. Does your retention really have to be 35% to be profitable? Tune in to this week’s Marketing Masterminds podcast with Khaled Bashir to delve deep into these two topics. Check out more of Khaled's posts: