Holistic Hormone Podcast with Eleanor Duelley

por Eleanor Duelley

Formerly the Nourishing Nutrition Podcast, the Holistic Hormone Podcast with Eleanor Duelley is your go-to girlfriend talk about holistic hormone healing for busy, middle-aged women seeking real answers and more energy without the dieting nonsense. Let's keep it real, ditch the cheesy stuff, and help you find balance and vitality so you can own life on your own terms!

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 4

  • Healthy Choices: Surprising Strategies Beyond Injections

    Healthy Choices: Surprising Strategies Beyond Injections

    In the episode,"Weight-Loss Wins: Surprising Strategies Beyond Injections," we dive deep with Sarah Lee, a seasoned Eating Disorder Recovery Coach, into the complex world of weight loss solutions. While the conversation about weight loss injections continues to dominate many discussions, Sarah brings a refreshing perspective on alternative strategies that go beyond quick fixes. With her rich background in recovery coaching and a compassionate approach informed by her own journey and professional insights, Sarah explores how these injections might not only change bodies but also impact mental health and self-esteem. From discussing the real effects of these treatments to debunking myths about starvation modes and rapid weight loss, this episode is a crucial listen for anyone considering weight loss methods or striving to understand the broader implications of such choices. Join us as we uncover the hidden costs of these treatments and learn how to navigate the journey towards holistic wellness and self-love in a culture obsessed with instant results.

  • How do I let go of anger ?

    How do I let go of anger ?

    This episode of the Holistic Hormone Podcast dives into Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a technique for understanding how your thoughts and experiences shape your reality. I explain how NLP can help you reframe negative emotions and beliefs from past experiences, like anger, and find self-forgiveness. Unlike traditional therapy that might just help you understand the "why" behind your anger, NLP offers tools to change the "how" by rewiring your brain for positivity.

  • Slim Shots: The Nutritionist's Take on Weight Loss Injections

    Slim Shots: The Nutritionist's Take on Weight Loss Injections

    In this timely episode, we jump into the highly relevant topic of weight loss injections, a conversation fueled by Oprah's recent special. I break down this prime-time special with the perspective of a compassionate and realistic functional nutritionist, and I really get into the long term implications that these drugs have on your body, from digestion to nutrient absorption. I’m not just talking about the side effects of diarrhea and hair loss, but the true facts of what this chemical does inside of your body. If the buzz around this drug has caught your attention, but you're unsure about the long-term impact, this discussion is tailor-made for you. Me as I walk the delicate balance between the shiny allure of quick results versus the priorities of health. The choice is actually yours to choose!

  • Flare-Ups & Fabulous Gut Secrets: Ditch Allergy Testing Drama for Good!

    Flare-Ups & Fabulous Gut Secrets: Ditch Allergy Testing Drama for Good!

    Come hang out with us on the "Holistic Hormone Podcast" as we spill the tea on allergies and their sneaky connection to your hormones. We're all about making you the hormone boss you were born to be. 🔬 Gut Testing vs. Allergy Testing: Find out why we're saying, "Skip the allergy test, babe, and let's talk about your gut." We're breaking down the science of how your gut, hormones, and immune system throw the ultimate party, sometimes leading to drama. Discover why testing your gut could be the VIP pass to figuring it all out. 💡 Empowering You to Take Control: At the "Holistic Hormone Podcast," we're all about you taking the reins of your hormone rodeo. Forget the idea of dodging foods forever. We're spilling the deets on proactive strategies that get to the root of hormonal imbalances. Our squad of experts will drop gems on gut health, hormonal harmony, and saying goodbye to pesky allergies. 🌱 Holistic Hormonal Solutions and Well-Being: Explore down-to-earth solutions that go beyond symptom band-aids. From easy nutrition hacks to lifestyle tweaks, we're sharing the kind of advice that feels like getting tips from your wellness BFF. Our mission is to give you the lowdown on rocking a healthy gut, happy hormones, and an all-around awesome vibe. Tune in to the "Holistic Hormone Podcast" for chats that feel like catching up with your besties. Subscribe now and let's spill the tea on the real connections between your gut, hormones, and allergies! 🌟

  • Boss Moves : Crushing Adaptation and Owning Your Upgrade

    Boss Moves : Crushing Adaptation and Owning Your Upgrade

    In this empowering episode, we spill the tea on holistic hormone health, riding the wave of spring energy, and the game-changing insights from "Atomic Habits." Tune in as we flip the script on the hustle, embrace the magic of tiny changes to upgrade your life. Don’t forget to connect with me on your favourite social media platform. Website: Eleanor.duelley.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/holistic.hormone.specialist Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/cleaneatingtameinflamed