Hurdles: The Worrier vs. The Warrior

Growthology Minicast por Growthology® LLC

Notas del episodio

Do you worry when it comes to the processes achieving your greatest desires? Or are you a relentless warrior who goes into battle with victory in mind? The truth is you hold characteristics of both. In this episode, Rico goes through a recent struggle with procrastination and the steps he took toward introspection. He helps you identify the what it means to be a worrier or a warrior in regards to your journey of self growth. If you have dreams that scare you.... For 1: That's good! They should scare you. And for 2: That's okay if they scare you! It's a matter of how you identify the road block or hurdle that is crippling you from accomplishing what you put your mind too. Listen and learn how your hurdles can not only cause hindrance and self sabotage, but also a sense solace to understanding what's wrong.