Don Winslow - “From a Private Investigator to a New York Time bestselling author”

From Suarez's Basement - A Communication, Media, and the Arts Podcast por Francisco J Suarez

Notas del episodio

Don Winslow, a one-of-a-kind author, was this week’s guest in the Basement! Throughout the episode, Professor Suarez and Winslow talk about his life as a private investigator before becoming a well-known author, as well as the concept of “writer’s block” and how he suggests writers overcome it. Later on, Winslow discusses the last book in his most recent book series, The Danny Ryan Trilogy. The finale of the series, City in Ruins, was released at the beginning of April 2024. If you are a sci-fi fantasy reader, then this is a “must add” to your reading list!

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