Meet The Antarctic Fire Angels - Pioneers, firefighters and the best of friends.

For the love of weather por Gemma Plumb & Aisling Creevey

Notas del episodio

Meet Georgina and Rebecca, the Antarctic Fire Angels. In January 2024 they pioneered a new route across the Antarctic while skiing unsupported from Union Glacier to the South Pole. The journey took 52 days, 10 hours and 30 minutes.

Four years ago Georgina and Rebecca didn’t know each other but they were at the same National Fire Service Conference. That year Sophie Montagne gave the keynote speech. Sophie is the world record holder for Ice Maiden, the first female team to ski across the Antarctic.

A five minute conversation with Sophie after the speech was the beginning of what was to become an incredible friendship between Georgina and Rebecca that led on to them completing this epic 1230km journey across the coldest place on earth.

Hold your breath while you learn about the terrifying noise of ice crevasse ... 

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