Notas del episodio

Carol Ma 小姐:區塊鏈公司開發者、前新聞視頻製作人和自由撰稿人

Ms. Carol Ma: Blockchain Company Developer, Former News Video Producer & Freelance Writer

Interviewer 採訪者: Duong Thuy

Guest Bio 嘉賓簡介:

Carol has a thirst and curiosity for acquiring knowledge. And while others struggle to balance between work, study, social life, she managed to stuff in impressive skills such as coding (which relates to her current job as developer for a blockchain startup), to UI/ UX design. If that doesn’t impress you just yet, she used to work as a freelance writer and video producer for a local newspaper. She also had an exciting personal journey studying for one year in Chile for her exchange semester. Does she have a superhuman brain or she just may hold the tips for time management and self improvement that we  ... 

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