Notas del episodio

We’re in the era of anti-hustle culture and people encouraging fewer hour work weeks. Yet it’s hard to just turn off a pattern, even when we know it’s in our best good to do so.


Most people use the excuse “there’s too much to do.” Yet I know that’s only the surface-level issue. Something deeper is simmering under the surface.

In this episode, I share 8 patterns I’ve either seen within myself or my clients on why we can’t just stop working.

Listen to learn things like:

  • Why overworking isn’t always a time management problem
  • What work may be giving you that you’re not getting elsewhere
  • Common beliefs that keep you overworking
  • Why you may use work to avoid downtime
  • Why it’s not always easy to just go have fun


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Palabras clave
SpiritualityEntrepreneurshipLaw of Attraction