Addressing the complexities of abstinence-based perspectives within Indigenous communities by emphasizing cultural strengths

Addiction Practice Pod por BC Centre on Substance Use

Notas del episodio

Navigating abstinence-based perspectives in substance use care can be complex. Within Indigenous communities, these complexities also intersect with the impacts of colonialism. Abstinence-based perspectives may arise or align with Indigenous teachings, they may stem from imposed colonial values, or both may be true. It is important to recognize that there are a variety of explanations for why abstinence-based approaches may be promoted, and that these can offer a healing path for individuals when aligned with Indigenous worldviews. 

In this episode of the Addiction Practice Pod, award-winning journalist David P. Ball and First Nation Health Authority’s Medical Officer of Mental Health and Wellness, Dr. Nolan Hop Wo, discuss potential benefits and harms from abstinence-based approaches to substance use care. We also hear ... 

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substance usecriminalizationharm reductionindigenousalcoholstigmacolonialism