Notas del episodio

Podcast by @thatafricagold

  • Welcome back, Today i would like to talk about the power of your belief. This is very deep, i hope i just land in the sense that i hope I share the relevant information.

As a child you grow with beliefs already around you and because of that you obvious adapt those beliefs. Whatever your surroundings believe in, is what believe in by default. However, have you had a chance to actually think about what other differences are ? So many religions but we all worship the same God.

We are one and listen more to hear on how you can develop a better relationship with your creator.

Remember to leave a review and a 5 star. Also share with someone who needs to hear this. I love you

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Palabras clave
joe rogandeepak chopradaily motivationsaffirmationsbeliefschurchreligionselfhelpeducation