Young Adult MusingsExplicit

by Noah Robles

Young Adult Musings is an intimate snapshot into the many facets of life. I hope to create Y.A.M into an experience that can be related to and hopefully provide comfort. While life feels individual, we're not as alone as we think.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Self Sabotage At It's Finest


    Self Sabotage At It's Finest


    It's your day off or the end of a workday. At last, you can relax and enjoy yourself. Everything's going great, you're having fun. You glance at the time, damn... It's getting late. But it's not THAT late, you can still be up. So you do. An hour goes by, then 2; it's getting really late. You have work in the morning; ugh fucking work in the morning. You should probably head to bed, but you're not looking forward to the next day. You don't want the night to end. So you self sabotage. Clock ticking by Friendly Free Sounds:

  • Depression, The Lurker

    Depression, The Lurker

    Depression is a lurker; a mental destroyer. It lingers, consuming your thoughts and feelings leaving you descending to depths beyond sad and low. It casts a cloud over you, dulling life. It makes you think the worst of yourself and the world around you. It has a compelling voice, convincing you to stay in your worst states of mind. But no matter how bad it makes you feel: depression is strong, but you're stronger. Friendly Free Sounds (toothbrushing sound effect):

  • Dear Self...


    Dear Self...


    Reflection, definition: serious thought or consideration. I spend a lot of time in my head reflecting on my current life. I ponder about the future and how I desire positive change. Life is unexpected, the journey is a messy route of lows and highs. As a young adult you don't have a grip on things; but I believe with time, we will.

  • Fuck Job Searching!


    Fuck Job Searching!


    Simply put, fuck job searching. You put in SO MUCH to get very little. You get ghosted, generic ass repetitive rejections, and scams hit your inbox; It's annoying! I just want a job I don't hate that funds my lifestyle, where it at?!

  • Troubled Mind = Troubled Life

    Troubled Mind = Troubled Life

    A troubled mind is a troubled life. While there are many things we can't control, our thoughts aren't one of them. Life is already hard enough, be gentle with yourself. Assets Used: Friendly Free Sounds (seagulls): Audio Book (ocean waves):