
When The Love Is Gone - The Testimony of Kim Curry, Ex-Xenos Survivor

Where Are We Going? A Spiritwatch Podcast by Rev. Rafael Damian Martinez

Episode notes

Kim Curry just wanted to belong, to love and be loved among a community of supposedly true believers after a turbulent childhood and her coming out as gay with a longing to find a refuge. That didn't keep the place she thought was a haven from becoming a literal hell on earth like no other - the cultic movement called Xenos/Dwell. It fancies itself to be a cutting edge "non traditional" "church" but listen closely as she unpacks the burden she was saddled with by the movement's culture of top-down elitism and group shaming and ask yourself if there's really anything "loving", much less "Christian" about it. . WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT MAY CAUSE TRIGGERING FOR SURVIVORS OF RELIGIOUS ABUSE.