Sound in Faith

by Sound in Faith

Hosted by Pastors Mike Johnson and Thomas Slawson. Our aim is to encourage the saints of Faith Baptist Fellowship, Sioux Falls, South Dakota to believe sound doctrine and live lives that adorn the gospel of Jesus Christ. Learn more at

Podcast episodes

  • How Can Christians Be Discerning About Music?

    How Can Christians Be Discerning About Music?

    Why talk about evaluating “secular” music? Can Christians ever listen to songs that aren’t explicitly “Christian?” What are some things we should be careful about when listening to music? How can I be discerning about the songs I listen to? How would you evaluate some popular songs? 1960s - “Sound of Silence” - Simon and Garfunkle 1970s - “Imagine” - John Lennon 1980s - “Living on a Prayer” - Bon Jovi 1990s - “Bittersweet Symphony” - The Verve 2000s - “Viva La Vida” - Coldplay 2010s - “Happy” - Pharrell Williams What about Taylor Swift? Conclusions: How should we think about the music of pop culture and what we listen to as Christians? Listener Questions: How is one chosen by God? Can you be unchosen? - Anna

  • How Should Christians Deal With Conflict?

    How Should Christians Deal With Conflict?

    Episode Questions: Why a podcast on interpersonal relationships and conflict? Why do Christians sometimes struggle to get along? How does the gospel relate to and influence human conflict? What are some biblical principles to navigate conflict? Does turn the other cheek mean be a doormat? What is the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation? What are some preventative measures when it comes to conflict? How do we know if we should push a conflict or cover it with love? How can I begin to repair a broken relationship? Listener Questions: Philippians 4:7 says “...the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Does this mean true Christians can’t struggle with mental illness and things like depression, trauma, or PTSD? Is taking medication sinful? - Anonymous

  • How Do We See The Word in Our Gathered Worship? Part 2 - The Lord's Supper

    How Do We See The Word in Our Gathered Worship? Part 2 - The Lord's Supper

    In this week's episode we continue our series on "See the Word" as we discuss the second ordinance of the church, The Lord's Supper. Briefly describe what we do in the Lord’s Supper. Is there an Old Testament background to what we’re doing? How might we define the Lord’s Supper and why do we observe it? Definition: “The Lord’s Supper is a church’s corporate act of remembering and proclaiming Christ’s salvation through his atoning sacrifice by partaking of bread, representing his body, and the cup, representing his blood, and a believer’s act of acknowledging Christ’s benefits and renewing his or her commitment to Christ together in fellowship with other believers, until Christ returns.” Why is observing it corporately as a church important? Why are the elements important? Should we be using “real wine” at Faith? Do the elements change? How does the Lord’s Supper “proclaim Christ’s salvation”? 1 Corinthians 11:27-29 warns of taking in an “unworthy manner.” What does this mean? Who should NOT take the Lord’s Supper? Who SHOULD take the Lord’s Supper? Listener Questions: How can we as believers pray for the world and talk to our unbelieving friends and family as international tensions create fear of a possible World War III. What should our perspective be as believers and how can we point others to Christ in the midst of unrest and uncertainty about the future? - Maria Reading 1 Peter 3:15. How would you interpret this text? Is every Christian instructed study to Apologetics or is Peter perhaps just discouraging blind faith? - Max

  • How Do We See The Word in Our Gathered Worship? Part 1 - Baptism

    How Do We See The Word in Our Gathered Worship? Part 1 - Baptism

    In this week's episode we talk about the ordinances, baptism and the Lord's Supper and how they are visual depictions of the word in our gathered worship. We then dive first into baptism, what it signifies, who should receive it and why mode of baptism is important. What do we mean by “See the Word”? What are the ordinances and why do Baptists prefer the term “ordinances” to “sacraments”? Briefly cover different views. What is believer’s baptism? Who should be baptized? Why do we make such a big deal about the mode of baptism (by immersion)? Why does Faith require baptism by immersion for membership? What if I was baptized as a baby or sprinkled as an adult, should I get baptized? Should I be baptized if I’ve already been a Christian for a long time but have not been baptized? How can I get baptized at Faith? Listener Questions: Can you further explain what Jesus did during the time between his death and resurrection? (I Peter 3:19) Did he give those "spirits in prison" which had already rejected God an opportunity for salvation? - Raquel Frequently in Leviticus it has the phrase “cut off from his people”. What did that mean, and was it ever practiced? - Mary Why do you believe the Bible over say the Koran, Torah, or another religion’s holy book? - Max

  • What's The Difference Between Cessationism and Continuationism?

    What's The Difference Between Cessationism and Continuationism?

    On this week's episode we talk about the differences between cessationism and continuationism and why it's important. We also look at how brothers and sisters in Christ can disagree charitably on this issue. What do cessationists believe? What do continuationists believe? What passages would lead one to believe in continuationism? cessationism? What does Faith Baptist believe? What do you believe and why? Where does this fall on the theological triage? Is this a gospel issue? Also, explain theological triage? What if I disagree with my brother over this? Books to read to learn more? Listener Questions: Can someone live a "good life" and still be saved? Like those who say that they have good morals but don't follow Jesus. - Anna I’ve heard that the SBC has taken progressive viewpoints on marriage and pastorship. Is this true? - Joel