Rudyard Kipling: On Complicated Literary Obsessions

Meltemi - La Piccioletta Barca podcast by La Piccioletta Barca

Episode notes

Welcome to the second episode of ‘Cultural Obsessions’, a series organised for Meltemi Podcast, the official podcast for La Piccioletta Barca magazine.

In this episode, Eleonora speaks to Ignacio Oliden on one of his Cultural Obsessions: author and poet Rudyard Kipling.

A very much discussed literary, political and cultural figure, Kipling’s literature is much more complex than what his disgraceful attributes illustrate. For Ignacio, Kipling represents the craft of fable, of storytelling, of song, and with that, Ignacio’s own way of perceiving literature has been shaped with a criteria based on the economy of words, and a sense of adventure, of fantasy and of music, which Ignacio wants to find in his readings, and of which he dreams of invoking in his writings.

We will talk about reading and maintaining afloat controversial auth ... 

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