Get Ready

LIVE FROM THE LOUNGE with Keythe Farley by LIVE FROM THE LOUNGE with Keythe Farley

Episode notes

This month we’re exploring How to Begin .

In honor of Valentine's Day, Keythe shares a Kurt Vonnegut short story of a love triangle where one of the lovers is not a human.

Double Batch Daddy honors the bleak mid-winter in song.

This month we begin a new feature called The Seasons of Life where we ask a collection of basic questions to a group of folks who are roughly the same age. This month we start with kindergarteners.

The Ukulele Orchestra of the Western Hemisphere performs Knee Play Number 5 from Phillip Glass’s opera Einstein on the Beach.

And we follow Punxsutawney Phil deep into his burrow and across the ages to explore whether it’s time to venture forth or head back to bed.

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musicwellnessget readygroundhog daymidwinterkindergarten