F0120: SGDMYR has gained 15.46% in 2 years. Why does it only go up?? (With Economist Sani Hamid)

The Futurizts Podcast by Shinji Ong

Episode notes

It seems like every other day, the Singapore dollar is making a new all-time high.

Since the start of the year, the SGDMYR pair has rallied by 2.45% to RM3.5745.

In the recent two years, the Sing dollar improved 15.46%, representing an annual return of 7.45%.

This return is higher than EPF and 87% of unit trusts in Malaysia.

In this episode, we invite Sani Hamid, an economist and certified financial planner with over 30 years in the markets, to discuss the declining ringgit and why the Singapore dollar only goes up.

Watch the full presentation on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kFRoblFHK8


Mr. Sani Hamid is an economist and certified financial planner (CFA). He is a frequent c ... 

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