The Enthusiasm Factor - Venkatraman Acharya

Experts in their Fields - The EITF project by Nandini Venkatraman, Karthik Subramanian and Charu Venkat

Episode notes

All right! This is the season finale for season 1 of the EITF project everyone! It’s been an amazing journey for us and we hope you guys have learnt as much as we have.

For this final episode, we interview Venkatraman Acharya. For the EITF interview, he talks about how to face new challenges, how and when to go in search of them, and how to build a career. He also talks about the 3 revolutions in the career space - industrial, informational and social in reference to how it affected the great resignation.

The most important thing he says, is to feel excited about your job and what you are working on. Acharya has been a manager for the better part of his career, so his advice to managers out there is invaluable. We had a lot of fun with this one. For the budding bankers in India, and in general for managers out there, this is a good  ... 

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