
Chapter 2 - Cocksuckers and Copycats

Caravan of Pain: The True Story of the Tattoo the Earth Tour by Scott Alderman

Episode notes

One hallmark of my campaign to get Tattoo the Earth off the ground, right from the onset, was that anyone I pitched the idea to, or anyone who saw the pitch book, gave me the best contacts they had. Many times they would call the person themselves and put them right on the phone to talk to me. People immediately believed in the idea, and in my ability to pull it off, and wanted to do everything they could do to help make it real. Sean was the first one. He loved the pitch book when I next saw him and told me he’d been thinking about nothing else since our night of drunken inspiration. He also said that our first stop had to be with Lyle Tuttle, one of the tattoo artists I’d learned about in Modern Primitives, the book my Berkeley friends had given me.