19 - Knowledge Pool and No Plans for Board Wipes with Mr. Bevers

Am I the Bolcast? by Commander's Herald

Episode notes

Hey! Bit of a strange one today - I (Carrozza) have been sick for a couple of weeks dealing with a new health complication. I'll be alright! I'm already recovering. However, I unfortunately had to cancel on Celani and Morgan twice leading up to this episode, but did not want to stall on Bevers' episode. I promise we will comment on the Knowledge Pool stuff in the next one!

That said, our guest today is a Canadian Champion of Chaos, the Commander in Chief of the Chat Chaos Commander stream, Mr. Bevers! Our maple sweet boy Bevers calls in to talk extensively about his show before diving into a chat about Knowledge Pool and having no plans for a board wipe when a game has gone long (a topic, we've touched on before and will likely chat about again).

Follow Mr. Bevers on socials. Find all his stuff here on his

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