Beyond the Launch: Shift Your Marketing Strategies, Episode 017

Authors Talking Bookish by Donna Norman-Carbone and Hope Gibbs

Episode notes

This episode addresses the importance of book marketing beyond the launch. In it, Hope and Donna will share various methods through diverse platforms to market your book and tips to make them successful.


Traditional Book Signings

  • Major retailers
  • Indie Bookstores

Local Events 

  • Businesses
  • Organizations
  • Libraries
  • Schools
  • Newspapers and magazines


  • With other authors
  • Bloggers
  • Podcasts (Episode 014)

Book Festivals and Fairs

  • Use Google and your local newspapers
  • References from local authors and/or chapters of writer’s organizations
  • Make a “tickler” list for next year

Book Awards and Recognition

  • Use Google
  • Get references from other  ... 
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