Giovanni de Niederhäusern. Architecture & The Three Social Pillars

ZEITGEIST19 Curated Podcast di ZEITGEIST19 Foundation

Note sull'episodio

Episode Summary:

In today's episode we meet Giovanni de Niederhäusern, a Senior Vice President of Pininfarina's Architecture unit. Giovanni shares with us his journey from managing various projects in the fields of design and architecture to becoming one of the driving forces behind Italy's legendary design and engineering company. Giovanni decodes Pininfarina's visionary architecture equation that is beauty + technology = impact, speaks about architecture at the forefront of environmental sustainability, and reveals the firm's fundamental protocol for social impact consisting of three pillars - 'additional', 'intentional' and 'measurable'. Listen to our episode co-hosted with the designer, engineer and a creative di ... 

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Parole chiave
architecturepininfarinagiovanni de niederhäusern