The Ziegfelds' Girl

Yesteryear: Stories from Home di Edoardo Ballerini, Tim Donahue, and Melanie Hoopes

Note sull'episodio

This episode of Yesteryear features the jaunty wit of Patty Ziegfeld, who recalls her 1920s childhood at Burkeley Crest estate, in Hastings on Hudson, New York.

She was the only child of Florenz Ziegfeld, impresario of the world renown Ziegfeld Follies, and his second wife, Billie Burke, best known for her role as Glinda the Good Witch from The Wizard of Oz. Among the exotic pets, the dollhouse styled after Mount Vernon, and the 1,000-piece dinner service from the Russian Imperial Court, it was indeed "Xanadu on Hudson."

Natalie Barry, board president of the Hastings Historical Society, provides context and Edie Magnus reads.

Parole chiave
hastings on hudsonhistorynew yorkglinda the good witchthe wizard of ozmount vernonhastings historical society