What I Learned

di Steve Acho

Life-changing, bite-sized chunks of wisdom in less than one minute.

Episodi del podcast

  • On communicating better

    On communicating better

    "Communication is key" in all relationships. Here are a few bits of wisdom that come from my own personal failure to communicate well.

  • Labeling ourselves

    Labeling ourselves

    Why it's unproductive to label ourselves and others

  • On being "right"

    On being "right"

    Wanting to be right, versus wanting to know IF you're right.

  • An exceedingly simple way to establish resolutions

    An exceedingly simple way to establish resolutions

    The simplest way to commit to, or resolve to improve your life

  • Changing the give-to-get ratio

    Changing the give-to-get ratio

    Imagining changing the ratio of helping others to asking for things from others.