Varey Tales

di Nick Varey

Short stories and soundtracks, written and composed by Nick Varey. These stories are inspired by one-word prompts and convey messages of philosophy, humanity's struggles and emotions, all through the lens of off-the-wall scenarios.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Songs For A Mooner

    Songs For A Mooner

    This episode is based on the prompt "Mixtape". In this episode, we explore Ryan's mind as he watches the world burn from the moon. We are taken through his memories and his previous life. Narrated by myself, Nick Varey. Thanks to Julia Suriano, Fez Sanchez, and Jack Ashley.

  • I Remember How We Forgot

    I Remember How We Forgot

    This episode is based on the prompt "Aerosol Can". A post-apocalyptic bedtime story, within a story, of course. Follow Roger, Helen, and the Reverend, as they inform an inquisitive Willy about a past world, all of its indulgences, and its untimely end. Narrated by myself, Nick Varey. Thanks to Tiran Aakel, Colleen Daley, Harry, and Luke Roberts.

  • Greetings From Mars

    Greetings From Mars

    This episode is based on the prompt "Postcard". Follow Jana, a new Mars HQ intern, as she communicates with her family back on Earth. A coming-of-age tale that offers themes of separation, friendship, and the wonders of the solar system. Narrated by Noor Mandviwalla.