Note sull'episodio

Government chaos continues to plague Americans! Today, we examine many of the issues that are self-created -- and needless -- that are ripping our Republic apart. The Biden Administration continues to misrepresent facts and replace them with continued lies. Today, hear from U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) explain the lies contained in the explanations coming from this White House regarding inflation, lies about the sources of COVID-19, and everything in between. James Carville weighs in to blast the Supreme Court. In fact, he maintains that HE knows what will be the result of every case that comes before this SCOTUS. Why? Because he personally knows their entire make-up and how they will vote on every issue every time they hear a case! Former VP Mike Pence finally found a gig. Shockingly, he said the College he's working for "wants to al ... 

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