Note sull'episodio

Here are the things we dig into on today's show: The House Homeland Security Committee approved articles of Impeachment and are heading to the floor for final determination. Meanwhile, Mayorkas is squirming. He blasted the House yesterday in a scathing letter. We'll probably see it before the full House next week. House member Cori Bush (D-MO) is under investigation for committing campaign fraud. She spent $750,000 on personal security! That money was ALL from her campaign fund. Remember Stacey Abrams? She's under fire. Her non-profit has burned through millions of dollars and owes far more than they have. The FBI violated hundreds of peoples' Constitutional rights in a raid at a private security vault company in Beverly Hills. It was a money laundering raid. They seized the possession of the contents of all the vaults without having a warrant! A ... 

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