
Ep. 89 Toys on Tap w/ Bastards of the Multiverse

Toys on Tap di Toys on Tap

Note sull'episodio

The creator of He Hips has arrived! Bastards of the Multiverse sat down with Toys on Tap to talk about his life with toys and what he has been up to since he started working with toys. Not only did he learn to mold and cast, but he began working with resin 3d printers to make better and more intricate work. As if that wasn't enough, He also chose to teach himself how to digitally sculpt and joined forces with Dimension X Toys and many more to start the Making a Mutant Project! Take a listen to this week's episode of Toys on Tap!

On instagram @bastardsofthemultiverse

Commercials brought to you by Chicken Burger Disco

On instagram @chickenburgerdisco


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