Crypto Metaphysics (feat. Grant Hummer and Matt Liston)

The Network Age di Bichul Ritsen and Habsul Rignyr

Note sull'episodio

In this extra special episode, the boys are joined by Grant Hummer and Matt Liston, two of Ethereum's most original gangsters, to discuss the blockchain's complicated past, its mistakes and pitfalls, and what the future might hold for our favorite L1. Matt, a cofounder of Augur and Gnosis, previously worked for the Ethereum foundation, while Grant founded San Francisco's oldest Ethereum developer meetup. Assisted by your handsome co-hosts, our guests also explore the future of blockchain on Urbit, the pitfalls of inadequate leadership, startup pessimism, how to found a crypto religion, and the metaphysical ecstasy of blockchain contemplation. This is an episode you won't want to miss.


  • 0:00—Intro

  • 1:25—The dark, twisted history of Matt Liston

  •  ... 
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