The Gang Does an Urbit Maxi Episode

The Network Age di Bichul Ritsen and Habsul Rignyr

Note sull'episodio

On this extra special episode, the boys are joined by Theodore Blackman (~rovnys-ricfer), Engineering Manager at Tlon, to discuss Assembly, composability, Uqbar, and the bright future of Urbit. All this, plus Holium, Stripe, an extended carpentry metaphor, and how ~timluc has forced ~bichul to slave away in the coding gulags of Hoon School.



1:12—Assembly and composability


10:08—How do we evaluate Urbit?

16:45—What is missing from Urbit (and "public goods")?

26:53—Is Urbit ready for outside investment?

32:49—Urbit community, culture, and vision

38:40—But Urbit is REALLY about the tech

42:24—Now is a fun/powerful time to get into Urbit

45:37—Introducing Uqbar

53:36—The metanarrative of Urbit